How to Become a Rose Essence Practitioner
The intention of The Rose Essences:
- To bring healing through the sacred Rose teachings and the Rose remedies by connecting with the assistance of the Elemental Kingdom
- To create a critical mass threshold through these teachings whereby humanity experiences an evolutionary leap in consciousness
- To awaken humanity so we can all embrace our true divine nature and purpose
- For our beautiful earth to feel loved and treasured as we walk more softly upon her back
- For Rose Essence Practitioners to connect with one another, support each other, educate, inspire, create abundance and have fun through ONE expanded HEART community
Level I Course Outline
Introduction to the history of the Rose and it's sacred teachings going all the way back to ancient Egypt and Atlantis.
In this Level I Workshop you will gain knowledge and initiation into the sacred mystery schools of the Rose providing you with the tools
to work confidently as an intuitive Rose Essence Practitioner.
You will learn how to read symptoms and how to prepare a personalised Rose remedy for self and others.
You will be introduced to the 44 Rose Essence Oracle cards and how to work with them, as well as an introduction to the following:
- Working with the Elemental Kingdom
- Activation of the Rose Essence Oracle cards
- Readings for self and others
- How to make a trinity remedy
- Dosing for self and others
- Dosing for animals
- Dosing for earth
Level I $300aud
2 full days
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